Monday, August 29, 2011

Firework Economy

“You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night like the 4th of July”

These lyrics hit me like a ton of bricks a few weeks ago while I was riding in my car, jamming out, singing like a fool - like we all do when a good song hits us. Now, you may think I’m crazy, because this is a Katy Perry song, (did you know she is the first female artist to EVER to have five #1 singles from one album?), but she is doing something right!

Love her or hate her, and I’m not particularly fond of her, I was struck by the lyrics in her hit song Firework. They were an anthem, yelling at me to be my best. Don’t believe me? Play the song and listen to it with the intention of being motivated – both professionally and personally.

I mean it – GO! Listen to it right now, I’ll wait…

Are you paper-thin?
Are you buried deep?
Do you want to start again?

You can ignite!
You can let your colors burst!
You can show them what you’re worth!

This is a firework economy, an economy where if you aren’t your best, you are going to be left behind.

Where are you? Struggling to get the job, to keep the job, to make the sale, to survive the changing tide?

Where’s your firework for this economy? Why aren’t you igniting yourself with passion and motivation? Why won’t you let your colors burst? Why can’t people see what you’re worth?

It’s simple. It’s because somewhere along the yellow brick road of the economy you lost your groove. You quit jamming out and singing like a fool! You quit.

Stings, doesn’t it? OUCHIE!

You quit. You quit going above and beyond. You quit being passionate about your life, your work, your economy.

In that moment, in that car, listening to that song, Stephanie got her groove back!

Is it time you got your groove back?

First, you have to Light the Fire. Easier said than done, I know, but not impossible. The hardest part is figuring out what motivates you to be your best. What drives your inner champion? What makes you tick? What catapults you to succeed? When you are able to put your finger on that, BAM! the fire will start burning and you’ll start seeing change. You’ll be happier, you’ll be friendlier, you’ll be more helpful, you’ll accomplish more and stress less.

Once you light the fire, you have to Work Harder. This is the hardest part and the one thing that separates you from everyone else. How willing are you to work harder? To take on more than you think you can handle? To accept the challenge of contributing more to help you, your colleagues, and your company thrive? If you aren’t willing, you’ll never be better than you are today. If you are willing, then you have to act and act now. Don’t wait! Tomorrow is always a day late. Start now.

“It's always been inside of you, you, you. And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough”

Got it? Light Your Fire, Work Harder, and you’ll be a firework in this dim economy.

I’m your Double-Tall, Non-Fat, No-Whip Sales Barista. How may I help you help yourself?

Stephanie Melish, one of the few, hand-selected, Gitomer-Certified Speakers is the ONLY Double-Tall, Non-Fat, No-Whip Sales Barista in the world! Stephanie trains, sells, and speaks to companies and associations all over the country. To book Stephanie for your next event, please visit Gitomer Certified or contact the friendly folks at Buy Gitomer via email or by calling 704-333-1112.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Change Communication

"Your words are your most powerful tool. There is nothing more powerful than hearing someone say, I love you or (dramatic pause) I hate you."

I said this today during a training seminar on customer service. I was spending four hours with one company to help them understand this imperative. We had gotten to the section where I was emphasizing communication and I spoke those words.

And, it was as if I were speaking to myself (which I do sometimes, most of the time, OK - all the time!). I realized that my words are my most powerful tool, but they are yours as well.

When you communicate with others, the words you choose to use can either motivate or defeat someone. Those words can inspire or infuriate. Those words can evoke or emote. Those words can attack or embrace. The words - your words are powerful.

Most people don't think about the words they choose. Most people don't realize the power behind their words, their message (I only had this A-HA today). Most people don't know that by choosing the right words they can create, instill, initiate, and shape CHANGE.

Change was Obama's word and, like him or not, you can't argue that he built a campaign on that one word. It was the right word at the right time in a world that needed hope that something new could be promised, that something would, that's right, change.

So what are you promising?
What words are you choosing to use to deliver your message?
What words do you use when you parent, teach, lead, sell, serve or tweet?
Do you think about those words before you use them?
Do you choose them wisely?

NO?! I'm not surprised.

Being a writer, speaker, and trainer, I must constantly think about the words I choose when transferring my message to an audience. Not every word will be powerful - but if I can make a few of them, just a few, more powerful than the others, I can inspire action. I can inspire change. I'm in the business of change - change to know more, to sell more, to serve better, to be the best.

What's my secret to change communication?

1. The Package. Put your message in a box, wrap it with beautiful paper, place a bow on top, and put a gift label on it. That's how to present a gift to someone. Why wouldn't you present your message in the same way? Put your message in a clear and concise box. Wrap the message into a creative presentation (hello theme!). Place a WOW! word bow on top. And right before you end your message, address it to a specific person or audience. A properly packaged message that's personalized is more likely to grab their attention and get them to start to entertain a change. That's the power of message packaging.
2. The Passion. Passion is directly tied into the belief that you have in your message. When you truly believe in what you are trying to transfer over to the listener, you'll naturally exude passion. I am passionate about BAD customer service. I am passionate about asking powerful questions in sales. I am passionate about changing your attitude. I am passionate about helping other people become their best. This passion backs my message and puts some OOMPF! into my delivery. Passion is contagious and when it catches it creates change. That's the power of passion.
3. The Pause. There is nothing more powerful or painful in delivering a talk than a pause. Those moments when you allow the words you so carefully chose to sink in. Those are the precise moments when your audience will soak it all in and consciously decide to (hopefully) change. That's the power of the pause.

You have the power.

You have the power to choose your words with precision and purpose.
You have the power to deliver the package, the passion and the pause.
You have the power to change communication.

I’m your Double-Tall, Non-Fat, No-Whip Sales Barista, how may I help you help yourself?

Stephanie Melish, one of the few, hand-selected, Gitomer-Certified Speakers is the ONLY Double-Tall, Non-Fat, No-Whip Sales Barista in the world! Stephanie trains, sells, and speaks to companies and associations all over the country. To book Stephanie for your next event, please visit or contact the friendly folks at Buy Gitomer via email or by calling 704-333-1112.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Blogger Gone Bride Wild

I was recently asked to be a part of a wedding contest. Isn't that fun? A contest found me and asked me to enter, all because of one four letter word - BLOG!

Of course, there was something in it for them. DUH - free advertising. Soliciting brides to be who are bloggers is a great way to market your product. So I decided to play along. Besides, who wouldn't want to win a free video of the biggest day of their lives?

So all of you, get to help me win - and read the story of how my fiance and I met.

Go to:

Read our story.

Leave a comment - that's how you vote for me!

And share the link with as many people as you can.

This is a week long campaign - and I'm going to be elected.
