Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, New Hope


Most of us listened to the countdown as the New Year dawned. And if you are like me, your mind wandered to resolutions for the coming year, after the midnight kiss of course! What would I resolve to change in my life? What would I strive to be better at? Then a new thought. What is it about the beginning of the calendar year that makes people want to change? Tradition? Maybe. Peer Pressure? Possibly. Hope? Definitely! The hope that with the turning of the year you have the power to turn your life. Hope is powerful and it's available year round. So this year, I resolve, above all else, to know that each day brings new hope and with new hope change can occur. I hope you'll join me to make the resolution to change whatever you want whenever you want, don't wait till the new year. The time and hope is always now.

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